I really hope you enjoy, a lot of work went into this! And a huge thank you to EDU, my photographer!
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Thursday, December 25, 2014
One of my amazing presents - ROOKIE YEARBOOK 1 (I already have the yearbook2 ) // My beautiful mother at breakfast in the sun // A mug I made for my dad with the chemical structure of caffeine on & a mug my dad bought my mum // Our christmas breakfast // My new robe & lounging socks // The christmas table // Prawn cocktail // A family selfie with my new selfie stick!
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

1. MAC LIPSTICK - Heroine // 2. ARIZONA - Peach Ice tea // 3. Barry M - Dusky Mauve & Berry ice cream // 4. Gold hoops - Earings // 5. Knew high socks - BLACK
First of all, MERRY CHRISTMAS LOVELIES! I hope you all have great christmas holiday and may all your wishes come true! This months festive favourite include a lot of purple (whats up with monthly favs being colours coordinated?!?!), not only have I been loving purple nail varnish - both light & dark - but also this awesome purple lipstick and I have discovered purple eyeliner makes my blue eyes really stand out!
Ive also been wearing knee high socks & gold hoop earrings to death this month! Im not usually a jewellery/accessory person, but these .. I love! And finally Ive found where to buy Arizona drinks in Mallorca (Woooo!) so I had to include this in my favourites!
I think christmas is always quite a sentimental time, so I'll embrace the moment and take this opportunity to thank everyone who follows/comments/reads my blog. You support is appreciated so much, I really put a lot of effort and time (even if it is time which I should spend studying) into it. I have thoroughly enjoyed the past few months blogging. I wish you all a great 2015 & I hope the new year has a lot more in store for this blog! Enjoy!!!!!
Monday, December 22, 2014
TOP: Brandy Melville (HERE) // SHIRT: Charity shop // Scarf: H&M (old season) // MOM JEANS: Topshop // GOLD HOOPS: Claires (HERE) // SHOES: Primark
Who would say its christmas, have you seen this weather?!?!!? I spent most of the day just wearing this vest crop top. I did need this awesome 90's grungy shirt for later on when it got a bit chilly, but since when is it this hot in december!
Im super happy to be wearing my new gold hoops (so gangsta yooo) that I bought from Claires, they are a pretty cheapy pair and I'm gonna look into getting some nicer ones, so if anyone can recommend a cool brand I could check out, Id be grateful. I had a super productive day today shooting/filming/buying christmas presents - happy days!
In case I dont get a post up before christmas, Id like to wish you all happy holiday & thank you all for the lovely comments on my blog which always put a smile on my face!
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Sunday, December 14, 2014
TOP - Flea market // JUMPER - Pull&Bear // JEANS - Bershka // BOOTS - Dr Martens // LIPSTICK - Mac Heroine
Excuse the atrocious lighting in these pictures, I left it way to late to get these photos and ended up shooting in the dark. I was super excited to wear my new purple lipstick which I bought yesterday and coincidentally it match almost perfectly this fishnet turtle neck to I found at market for 1 euro. My outfit was pretty simple today, black jeans & a jumper - pretty casual. These jeans are really flattering and look great with my trusty old docs.
Id like the thank the amazing Edu, who takes my pictures every week. Check how cool this cow we found is.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
FASHION: 1. Miss guided - PVC Mini-skirt (HERE PINK & BLUE & WHITE & BLACK) // 2. STUSSY - Bucket hat (HERE) // 3. Topshop - FISHERMAN beanie (HERE) // 4. Topshop mittens - FAUX FUR (HERE) // 5. TRANCE light up trainers - Topshop X GLOW (HERE) // 6. Motel rocks - Halter neck CROP TOPS (HERE & HERE)
BITS & BOBS: 1. Element - MOHAVE backpack (HERE) // 2. Motel rocks - PALM LEAF Pencil case (HERE) // 3. Pillow covers - UO (HERE) // 4. Alexa Chung - IT (HERE), TRAVEL GUIDE - for the Young, Sexy & Broke (HERE), Supreme book (HERE)
As I promised, part 2. Here I included some ideas I had for fashion related gifts & another with bits & bobs which really couldn't be categorised in any other way. I had to include these PVC mini skirts I came across on the miss guided website. They are a perfect gift for any fashion enthusiasts and especially during the christmas holidays where you have occasion to wear daring party ensembles. I decided I had to include some sort of accessory in the form of hats, gloves, scarves... Im really into bucket hats at the moment (and I dont personally own one) but any cute hat really makes a great gift! (make sure whoever your giving it to is a hat-wearer - some people are kinda funny about hats.) I have absolutely fallen in love with the silver trainers from topshop, your cant actually tell from this photo but they have glowing lights on the soles ( like the super cool little kids light up trianers). They are so crazy and can jazz up any outfit - this is literally my favourite piece on all of these gift guides! Finally on the fashion front, you can't go wrong with a super cute halter neck crop top from Motel rocks, the cut is really flattering and they have so many designs and patterns - you can find one that will suit anybody's style.
Any sort of bag, pencil case, make up bag is always a great gift - am I the only one who gets super excited about pretty little bag & pencil cases?
I love all of the urban outfitters bedding and home decor, but i found these pillow cases which are just great! I have a bit of a "thing" with decorative cushions I think simple bed covers with loads of amazing cushions and a cool throw looks awesome. And finally, what better present than an awesome book, whether it be a novel, a yearbook or a pictures book, its perfect present. Urban outfitter has some awesome books you should definitely check out for presents.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
TECHNO: 1. Urbanears headphones - JULIP (HERE) // 2. Happy plugs - ROSE GOLD (HERE) // 3. INSTAX Fujifilm - Smartphone printer (HERE) // 4. Skinny Dip London - NEON FUR iPhone case (HERE) 5. Topshop iPhone case - Metallic croc (HERE)
BEAUTY: 1. Lime Crime - Unicorn Lipsticks (HERE) // 2. Lime Crime - Velvetine Matte Lipstick (HERE) // 3. BLEACH LONDON - Super cool colours (HERE) // 4. Kringle Candle - Pumpkin Frosting (HERE) // 5. Urban Decay - NAKED On The Run palette (HERE)
I decided to separate my ideas for christmas gifts into four sections. In part one I included, both, cool gadgets & accessories for your phone and ipod and beauty & pampering products that I wouldn't mind receiving as a gift! I must admit, I am the best person in the world to loose earphones ( i literally have lost like 5 pairs in the past fews months, oops) so some new awesome earphones/headphones always come in handy. And if they look super cool like these rose gold happy plugs or turquoise blue headphone even better! You cant have awesome headphones without having a super cool phone case like this metallic croc printed one or this amazing neon fur case I came across on the Motel rocks website, its so loud and bright. I love it! Finally, how amazing is this? A portable intax printer, its connected to your smartphone so you can print off your pictures where and whenever you want. The intax-mini camera has been seen way too much this year ( i still love it though!) but i think this is a great alternative and its much more handy to carry around.
The lime crime lipsticks have been a long time favourite of mine, they have such amazing colours and the packaging is perfect for a christmas gift. I included some of my favourite colours however they have a pretty big range of colours to choose from, from pink to mint green to black. This brand has been highly recommended to me and most people who try it love all their products both the velvetines and the unicorn lipstick. Another great present for someone daring enough are these Bleach London colourful hairdyes, I have tried out a few of these and would definitely recommend the brand, i love bleach london (and they have a super cool selfie booth app too hahahah).
I recently spoke of my newly discovered obsession with candles. When I heared Rhiannon ashlee speak about this candle, I knew it was the type of scent I would be in love with. Its described as "deeply sweet and rich pumpkin accords, with abundant touches of vanilla, hot caramel and cocoa powder." which sounds so delicious, its one of them things you wish you could eat! I dont actually own this candle however any scented candle like this make perfect xmas gifts. Finally, the naked on the run palette. If you have tried any of the 3 previous nake palettes, need I say more?
This little box is perfect for ladies on the run, including bronzer, blusher, eye shadow, lipgloss, mascara and a glide-on eye pencil... what more do you need?
Saturday, December 6, 2014
(TOP) DRESS - H&M (Similar HERE & HERE)// JEANS - TOPSHOP (HERE) // SHIRT - Charity shop // SHOES - Pieles de Mallorca
I bought this dress from H&M a while ago but I still hadn't worn it, so today instead of wearing it as a dress I put these acid wash mom jeans from Topshop on top and made it into a top. To mix it up a bit, I put on this shirt whose pattern completely clashed with the top, snakeskin & jungle-leaves print.. Why not? Once again, I decided to wear these patent leather shoes. I find it really hard to match shoes with these jeans (I have a think about ankles looking perfect), so i tend to stick to the same few pairs of shoes whenever I wear the jeans. And finally my favourite red lipstick, Ruby Woo - MAC on my lips.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Excuse how extremely pink and wonderful this post is. When i was putting together my favourite (few) products of this month, i realised they were all pink, so i decided to go with it and embrace the pinkness.
This month Ive found that lighting candles to study with, when im doing schoolwork really sets the scene and helps me concentrate. I got this yankee candle for xmas last year and I was yet to light it until recently. Its described as "citrus mix with sweet florals and spicy vanilla" which is a better description of the smell than I could write (im useless describing smells.) I must admit it is not extremely wintery (Im grasping onto the summer buy its last strings) but I was waiting until december to get into the christmasy mood! *CHECK my hello kitty advent calendar ♡*
The next thing Ive been loving and wearing non-stop this month is the combination of this mac lip liner and stick. The lipliner is actually the super popular Kylie Jenner one that everyone is raving about, so I decided to give it a go and this is my go-to lipstick!
Next, vanilla tea ♡ my local supermarkets had been out of stock of this for so long, i was over the moon when I found it again. So of course I have been drinking it non-stop (I had been drinking way too much coffee up until this month!)
Finally, this is a bit of a random favourite but I wanted to show you guys. Ive been posting alot of these (really bad and cheesy) edits on Instagram. I started off messing around trying out all the different picture editing apps and just adding a load of icons and colours to my picture. But they turned out pretty cool i think.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Today just as I was about to go outside to take some pictures, the heavens opened and it began to absolutely throw it down with rain! So instead of give up on the photo idea, we went down to my friends garage and took the pictures there and actually I really like the darker effects of the pictures. After a while we started meetings around with slow shutter speeds to get loads of movement in the pictures and they look super cool.
I got sent these leggings from Romwe a while back now but ive recently found a place in my heart for them again. I also think they're super christmasy (expect to see them more hahah.) Ive been playing around with lengths at the moment and im really loving this super super oversized t-shirt (just a basic tank), its so long some people thought it was a dress. And finally I'm wearing these super shiny patent leather shoes, they are a bit out of my confort zone I must admit (I tend to stick to boots or trainers). But I actually really like the shape of these shoes and despite me having bought them for work, they can be made much more casual or jazz up a pretty laid back outfit.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
2. TOPSHOP// Boardroom (HERE)
4. URBAN DECAY// Pulp fiction "Revolution" (HERE)
I never really used to wear lipstick, I mean Ive always been much more attracted to beautiful colours on the perfectly shaped lips than a detailed, shimmery smokey eye, however until recently I never really wore lipstick that much. Since discovering mac lipsticks a few years ago, I now really appreciate lipstick and have become much more daring when it comes to wearing bold lip makeup.
I have been lusting after this quite bright (almost pinky) purple lip colour 'Heroine' for a while now. I don't currently have any purple lipsticks and I instantly loved this colour (plus its mac.. the smell, the packaging, its just mac). It is actually on my things to buy list next time I get the chance to get into town as I have a gift-card for a department shop which sells mac cosmetics. The second colour I saw on my favourite youtuber, Sunbeamsjess.
I dont actually own any topshop lipsticks currently, but Im really hoping to get this colour for christmas so I can try it out. They are not too expensive either.
Colour pop is a new LA based makeup brand I came across the other day. The have some super cool colour lipsticks (and some awesome lipliners too). I adored this gold-metallicy lipstick colour, it reminds me of the Rhianna Lipstick for mac. The next is a really sweet pink with a hint of lilac in it, i think this colour would look great with a lighter skin tone like my own.
The next two lipsticks are pretty bold! I chose this dark dark purple over the black lipstick they also have to put in my wishlist mainly because of its name 'feminist' hahaha. And as for the blue, need i say much? Individual, bright, daring... LOVE IT!
To finish off with Im really really super crushing over this deep red, urban decay lipstick. Classic. Both the colour and the film.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Sunday, another sunday. The end of the week is meant to be relaxing right? Catch up on work, watch films chill - the past few sundays have been filled with drama in my life!
I bought some new high socks to wear for school on friday evening, however I love new socks and I was looking forward to wearing them too much that I decided to put them on today. And another purchase, this black jumper from H&M. Its really just a simple black jumper, however it has really nice snakeskin detailing that I'm really into. The "dress" Im wearing is actually a super large men's shirt, but its long enough to cover up all it needs to - but I did pop on some black shorts underneath just in case.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Jeremy Scott x ADIDAS //HERE
Typo ADIDAS collection - leggings //HERE
Jourdan Dunn rocking ADIDAS fishnet
Adidas has actually come out with some super great pieces over the past few year, be it the Typo collection or Jeremy Scott collaborations, Im loving it! I picked out three of my favourite piece, Im not sure if the fishnet jumper is out for sale yet, but how amazing is it! However, even if you can't get hold of this one, Rita Ora did collab with adidas and bring out a mesh black jumper which is kinda similar. These leggings are definitely on my xmas list, but its worth checking out the whole of the collection - I know it is available at Urban Outfitters and now on Asos aswell!
I love how individual all of these pieces are and despite adidas having quite a sporty vibe, they can easily be dressed in loads of different ways.
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